Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer Blog Facelift

Country Living
 In case you haven't noticed the blog has gotten a "facelift" for the summer!  It was crying out for something a little more fresh and seasonal to go along with the abundance of summer recipes you'll have heading your way!  For starters here's a great summer pizza recipe you can make on the grill outside while hanging out with your family and loved ones!  On a side note check out the picture the the right.  Isn't that a cute little beach house featured in Country Living Magazine?  I don't know if I would be able to go that bright of colors for everyday as I tend to get bored of the colors quicker if they are bright.  Seeing as how much he LOVED painting the other day (insert sarcasm here) I don't think Shale would like it very much if I did something where I would get bored faster, but I do think it is very cute!  Enjoy the pizza recipe!

Ground Turkey, Feta and Veggie Pizzas
Feeds ~3-4 depending on if they are boys are girls ;-)

Pizza dough (I like the refridgerated kind from Publix)
your favorite spaghetti sauce (my favorite is Newman's Own Marinera)
Turkey Mix:1/2 lb of ground turkey
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1/4 tsp dried oregano
2 cloves garlic (minced)
dash of olive oil
1/4 tsp dried thyme
1/4 tsp dried basil
1/2 cup of feta cheese (crumbled)
1/4 cup sundried tomatoes (cut small to your liking)
1/2 sweet onion (cut in thin strips)
1/4 cup of mozzerella cheese
1 bell pepper (cut in thin strips)

fresh basil (as much as you like) (leave for after the pizza is cooked)
Crust Oil:
a mixture of olive oil and garlic salt and pepper

Preheat oven to temperature indicated on your pizza dough
Heat olive oil in a skillet
Add garlic and cook till softened
Mix together ground turkey, red pepper flakes, oregano, thyme and basil
Add meat mixture to garlic and oil and cook until done thoroughly
Meanwhile heat grill
Ready pizza dough according to manufacturer's directions
Spread a little sauce on dough (just enough to cover so it doesn't become soggy)
Spread toppings all across the pizza
Cook according to directions on crust
Brush with olive oil, garlic salt and pepper througout cooking time and when finished
Allow to set for about 5 minutes so the crust has time to finish and the cheese sets
Slice and eat!!!

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