Monday, July 25, 2011

Growing an herb garden part 2

One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides.

SpoonerZ garden spoons
I have learned a lot from growing my small porch herb garden.  I've learned the self control of not picking off a basil leaf but instead waiting until it is full grown to use it.  I've also learned that watering once a day is a must in a hot environment like Florida.  I've learned thyme, oregano and parsley take FOREVER to grow but Basil shoots up like a small forest.  I've come to learn that tomatoe plants grow HUGE and can take over a little porch.  But most of all I've come to learn that simple pleasures in life can be found in a simple garden.  Things such as a new bloom, the beginning of a tomatoe, sprouting of a new herb become small little things that make me smile when I get home from a busy day at work.  So far I am loving keeping this herb garden and especially loving how easy it has been to maintain (water once daily and let God do the rest).  Below are some new pictures of how things are coming along!  By the way how cute are these spoons.  You just stick them (handle side down) into the garden and they label the plants!  To find out how to get them check out SpoonerZ on Etsy or click on the link below the picture above!
As you can see the Basil is quickly becoming a small forest

My swiss chard and cilantro have really started to grow
 My Parsley and Thyme seem to be growing very slowly and the chives and onion are so thin.  For all you gardners out there... any clue why?  I would love your input!

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