Monday, February 14, 2011

Oatmeal Challenge Days 16 - 28

"Your heart understood mine" - Little Women

Thursday, Day 16: Boring Oatmeal
Today I was NOT feeling ambitious, I literally put oatmeal on the stove and tossed in a box of raisins and brown sugar.  It was still good but SO not creative!

Friday, Day 17: Bob Evan's Oatmeal
A few mornings a week I go to breakfast with one of the girls I mentor. This was one of those mornings and she suggested Bob Evans.  I had never tried Bob Evans and decided we'd try it out.  How have I never been there before????  The oatmeal was fabulous and came with brown sugar, raisins, dried cranberries, and pecans! What a creation!!!

Saturday, Day 18:  Oatmeal Pancakes
I was really tired of the oatmeal texture this morning so I attempted completely oatmeal pancakes.  However, the husband was asleep and I didn't want to wake him so I got a workout at the same time (try whipping 4 egg whites by hand, I have no idea how our grandparents did it, I'm so thankful for my mixer!) and since I didn't puree the oatmeal and cottage cheese it was a very textured pancake but still good... here's the original recipe...
4 egg whites
1/2 cup of oatmeal
1/2 cup of cottage cheese
1 tsp vanilla
1 package of truvia (or whichever sugar substitute you prefer)
In a blender pulse oatmeal and cottage cheese until smooth
In a separate bowl beat egg whites until fluffy
Fold oatmeal mixture into egg whites along with sugar substitute and vanilla
Makes about 4 small pancakes and they are delicious!

Sunday, Day 19:Oatmeal with Berries Tossed in
I was definitely in a rush this morning and just tossed some frozen berries in my oatmeal as it cooked.  It turned out great and had the most beautiful purple color.

Monday, Day 20: Today I had some things to pray for so rather than having breakfast I skipped it to spend some time in prayer.

Tuesday, Day 21: Mock Jam Oatmeal
1 cup of frozen berries
1 TBSP sugar
1/2 cup of oatmeal 
3/4 cup of water
Prepare oatmeal in water as directed
Meanwhile, heat frozen berries, sugar and 1 tbsp of water in a sauce pan, bring to a boil and let simmer until reduced down
Pour over hot oatmeal and enjoy!

Wednesday, Day 22:Pan Seared Oatmeal
I love pan seared oatmeal so much I just had to make it again. To see the recipe go here.

Thursday, Day 23: Bob Evan's Oatmeal
I went to Bob Evan's again with another girl I mentor... did I mention how amazing their oatmeal is!!!! I'm addicted! (Who would have ever thought I'd say that about oatmeal???)

Friday, Day 24: Oatmeal Pancakes
I made oatmeal pancakes this morning but actually ground the oatmeal and cottage cheese and it turned out great! Now go enjoy some pancakes without feeling bad about it!!!

Saturday, Day 26: Oatmeal with reduced fresh berries
I made this one sort of like the jam one above but used fresh berries instead of frozen.

Sunday, Day 27:  Healthy Chocolate Oatmeal
Who would have thought that chocolate was healthy?  Did you know that 1 TBSP of cocoa powder only has 15 calories and packs 1 gram of fiber and 1 gram of protein?   When I was working on a recipe and saw that I decided I had to make chocolate oatmeal!  And boy was it good, like dessert for breakfast!
1/2 cup of oatmeal
3/4 cup of water
1 packet of splenda
1 TBSP cocoa powder
Cook oatmeal according to directions, stir in cocoa and splenda and sit back and enjoy without feeling guilty!!!

Monday, Day 28: Starbucks Oatmeal:
This morning I was running late so I had to grab some oatmeal on the go.  I had a Starbucks gift card and decided to try theirs out.  It was really good and comes with mixed nuts, dried fruit, and brown sugar so you can mix and match it to your liking and for less than $3 it makes a great breakfast on the go!

By the way... 2 more days left of the Oatmeal Challenge!!!!  Yay, can't wait to eat an omlette, how I've missed them so!

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